Ich flippe aus! Ich springe vor Begeisterung! Ich explodiere vor Glück! – Vietnamesisch und Englisch unten – Ich nahm am Wettbewerb „Tìm kiếm sứ giả tiếng Việt ở nước ngoài năm 2024“ (Suche nach vietnamesischen Sprachbotschaftern im Ausland 2024) teil, der vom Staatskomitee für Vietnames:innen im Ausland ins Leben gerufen wurde. Dieser Wettbewerb würdigte Menschen,…
Kategorie: English
The new Children’s Book „The Land of Dragons and Fairies“ is Here!
I am thrilled to announce that today is the official release date of my children’s book „The Land of Dragons and Fairies“! It has been an incredible journey, and I couldn’t be happier to share this wonderful story with all of you. This German-Vietnamese / German-English book presents the famous legend “Lạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ” that is considered…
Second Anniversary!
Today, my books were published for two years! It was amazing what happened in the last 12 months. Some milestones: My summary of the last year: LIFE IS GOOD! Many thanks to all my supporters and readers.
First Anniversary!
My books are now published for one year! It was a crazy year. Here my conclusion: Many thanks to all my supporters and readers.
My experience as an author for one year
How come that you want to write a book? Why did you decide for a folktale? Why bilingual? … Some of the many questions from my friends when I told them about my book project. Here I would like to sum up how the idea was born and how the project began. We have a…